Thermogenic, simply means that your body needs to
use extra energy to burn certain foods. The main objective in eating
thermogenic foods is to lose weight. This is achieved when your body's
metabolic rate is increased.
The best types of fat burning foods are those that contain a lot of lean
protein. These would be fish, lean red meat, venison, elk, bison, buffalo, and
chicken or turkey breasts. Egg whites also contain a lot of protein, but the
yolks should only be eaten occasionally.Cayenne pepper also stimulates the burning of fat because it increases the heart rate, and it can help keep blood sugar stable. This reduces the likelihood of hunger cravings and binging on foods that have a high sugar content. Foods high in starch or sugar will only make you want to eat more.
It has been scientifically proven that cinnamon lowers blood glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides. Put some on your oatmeal at breakfast or sprinkle a bit in your coffee. It will help burn fat and add a really nice flavor.
Your metabolism can also be increased by drinking a few cups of green tea each day. It contains polyphenols ' substances that can break fat down. In addition, green tea has many other health benefits.
Other fat-burning foods include ginger and spinach. Ginger can boost your metabolism because it makes blood vessels expand. This results in the body's internal heat being raised. Spinach is known to reduce cholesterol, burn body fat and increase metabolism. Spinach also supplies your body with Vitamins E and C, iron, and beta carotene.
Finally, don't forget the magic of apples. Apples are jam-packed with goodness and are full of fiber. If you are following a diet of Thermogenic foods to lose weight, make sure you eat plenty of apples. They can also keep hunger pangs at bay.
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